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Efficacy, safety, quality

EFFICACY: antiviral properties


The researchers from St. Petersburg, Russia have used the antiviral properties of NSC 631570 in their works with viral hepatitis C (HVC). They reveal NSC 631570, at optimal dosage, has brought about the elimination of the virus from the blood in 40 (80%) of 56 patients (165).

In their further study these researchers compared the effects of NSC 631570 at various dosages with the recombinant human interferon-alpha-2b (IFN) in 75 HVC patients. The best results were achieved when NSC 631570 was administered at a single dose of 1 mg (203).

Pilot studies evaluating the effect of NSC 631570 on HIV virus and related diseases were also performed (12). The authors noted, for example, improved immune values after the therapy (103).

The antiviral properties of NSC 631570 were confirmed in the in vivo experiments (42, 51, 52, 88, 90).


NSC 631570 inhibits the formation of the new blood vessels supplying a tumor. Due to these antiangiogenic properties NSC 631570 administered before surgery brings about better demarcation of the tumor from surrounding tissue and the tumor encapsulation. This alleviates the surgical removal of tumors what has been confirmed in breast cancer studies (68-73, 114). It is recommended to reduce the tumor burden 7-10 days after the start of the therapy with NSC 631570.

In tests in vitro, NSC 631570 inhibited dose-dependent the proliferation of human endothelial cells without exerting cytotoxic effect. The angiogenesis inhibition was observed on the capillary formation model. The tumor angiogenesis is the formation of new blood vessels supplying a growing tumor with nutrients. Angiogenesis is of critical importance for the tumor growth (136).

Inhibition of the capillary sprouting by NSC 631570 in the endothelial spheroids model

Hemmung der Sprossen durch Ukrain

Pancreatic adenocarcinoma, preoperative treatment with Ukrain, total 100 mg, 10 days prior to surgery (pancreatico-duodenectomy). Formation of a capsule (A) around the tumour. Tumour cells do not infiltrate the capsule. Massive round cell infiltration (B) of the tumour–capsule border area. H-e, x100.


Pancreatic adenocarcinoma, preoperative treatment with Ukrain, total 100 mg, 10 days prior to surgery. Necrosis of tumour tissue (A), inhibition of new vessels formation (defect in capillary wall, defect in endothelial covering, B). H-e, x200.

Pancreatisches Adenokarzinom

Pancreatic adenocarcinoma, preoperative treatment with Ukrain, total 100 mg, 10 days prior to surgery. Nuclear changes: Chromatin dispersion (A) and fragmentation (B), hydropic cytoplasm degeneration (C). “Iron” hematoxylin – van Gieson, x500.

Pancreatisches Adenokarzinom


Clinical efficacy of NSC 631570 is not coincidental or even ‘spontaneous remission’ but rather a consequence of its mechanisms of action confirmed in various in vitro and in vivo studies. NSC 631570 has been tested on more than 100 cancer cell lines so far.Among others, NSC 631570 was tested at the National Cancer Institute (Bethesda, Maryland, USA) on 60 cell lines representing eight important human malignant tumors: brain tumors, ovarian, small cell and non-small lung cancer, colon cancer, kidney cancer, leukaemia and malignant melanoma. NSC 631570 exerted toxic effects against all these cell lines (40, 190). Compared to 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) and gemcitabine, two standard cytotoxic agents in the treatment of digestive tract tumors, NSC 631570 achieved better results and not only inhibited the cell growth but reduced the cell mass, also.

Vergleich der Toxizität von Ukrain (NSC 631570) und 5-Fluorouracil (NSC 19893)

The cytotoxic effect of NSC 631570 on the cancer cell lines M-HeLa and Hep-2/0-6-5 war more pronounced than the effect of a synthetic agent Oliphen (61). NSC 631570 inhibited the growth of four Ewing’s sarcoma cell lines dose- and time-dependent. In this experiment the effect of NSC 631570 was more pronounced than this of thiotepa (243, discussed in 244). In the tests on Ehrlich’s carcinoma cells and lympholeucemia P-388, the researchers revealed that the sensitivity of the cancer cells to NSC 631570 depends highly on the cell cycle phase, the first sensitivity peak being at the end of G1 phase and the second - in G2 phase (148). The effects of glucose, succinat, pH value and increased temperature on the efficacy of NSC 631570 against cancer cells were investigated in vitro. Glucose reduced the cytotoxic effect of NSC 631570, but succinat intensified it. The most pronounced effect was at pH 7.3-8.0. The temperature up to 41.5 °C did not impact the effect of NSC 631570 (117).

Results of the Ukrain (NSC 631570) study at the National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, Maryland, USA. The effects of NSC 631570 on the 60 various human cancer cell lines


The Selective Effect of NSC 631570

In comparative studies NSC 631570 was tested on 18 malignant and 12 non-malignant cell lines at identical conditions (36, 38, 63, 143, 147, 149, 181, 184, 190, 245, 255). These experiments eliminated all doubts on the selective effect of NSC 631570. Numerous studies have confirmed NSC 631570 to be the first and only anticancer agent being toxic against cancer but not normal cells. This explains also its good tolerability in clinical use.

First indications on the selective effect of NSC 631570 on the cancer cells provided an early study in 1976 of the Bundesstaatlichen Anstalt für Experimentell-Pharmakologische und Balneologische Untersuchungen (Vienna, Austria). This study revealed different oxygen consumption by normal liver cells and Ehrlich’s tumor ascitic cells after the incubation with NSC 631570 was revealed (38).

About at the same time, the researchers from the Vienna University of Agriculture compared the inhibiting effect of NSC 631570 on the proliferation of malignant and normal cells. For 50% growth inhibition of normal endothelial cells, the NSC 631570 concentration had to be tenfold higher than for the same growth inhibition of human osteosarcoma cell line (36). 

The different influences of Ukrain on oxygen consumption in healthy cells and cancer cells

Einfluss von Ukrain auf den Sauerstoffverbrauch in Zellen

Die Aufnahme von Ukrain in Melanom-Zellen, verglichen mit normalen Zellen (in vitro)

Ukrain in Melanoma cells

Hohenwarter O. et al. Selective inhibition of in vitro cell growth by the anti-tumour drug Ukrain, Drugs under Experimental Research, 1992 (36).

This selective effect of NSC 631570 on cancer cells has been confirmed in numerous studies at the renowned universities and research facilities.

In the study from European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC), human tumor xenografts (HTX) were implanted into nude mice. These tumor cells were later incubated with NSC 631570 at various concentrations. Following HTX were used: colon cancer CXF 1103/11, stomach cancer GXF 217/17, lung cancer LXFL 529/14, breast cancer MAXF 401/13, melanoma MEXF 276/10, and ovarian cancer OVXF 899/9. NSC 631570 was active against OVXF 899/9 at 10 µg/ml and in all colonies tested at 100 µg/ml with the T/C-ratio (‘test to control’) 1/135 in OVXF, 8/109 in CXF, 10/98 in GXF, 15/187 in LXFL, 34/133 in MAXF, and 10/122 in MEXF (64, 189).

In 1998, at the 89th Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research in New Orleans, USA, researchers from the University of Pretoria, South Africa presented their work on the selective effect of NSC 631570 on various cancer cell lines. The authors concluded ‘that Ukrain is selectively toxic to malignant cells by causing a metaphase block which is characterised by abnormal chromosomal distribution, and results in the formation of micronuclei and in apoptosis’ (139). In 2000 the same group discovered NSC 631570 to inhibit the tubulin polymerisation. In this paper they denied the selective mode of action of NSC 631570 on cancer cells (140).

Researchers from Eberhard-Karls-University Tubingen, Germany, investigated the effects of NSC 631570 on cell survival, alteration of the cell cycle and induction of apoptosis without and in combination with ionising radiation (IR) at a dose of 1-10 Gy. The tests were performed on the exponentially growing human tumor cells MDA-MB-231 (breast), PA-TU-8902 (pancreas), CCL-221 (colon cancer), U-138MG (glioblastoma), and human skin and lung fibroblasts HSF1, HSF2 and CCD32-LU. Without IR, NSC 631570 exerted a time- and dose-dependant cytotoxic effect, more pronounced against the cancer cells. Flow cytometry revealed NSC 631570 to modulate radiation toxicity against human cancer cell lines and to protect normal cells from radiation. The combination of NSC 631570 plus IR gave enhanced toxicity in CCL-221 and U-138MG cells with their accumulation in the G2/M phase of the cell cycle, but not in MDA-MB-231 and PA-TU-8902 cells. A radio protective effect was found in normal human skin and lung fibroblasts. The authors suggest a reasonable use of NSC 631570 in combined radiochemotherapy (184).

The cytotoxic effects of NSC 631570 were evaluated in two primary pancreatic cancer cell lines (PPTCC), fibroblasts derived from pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma specimens (F-PDAC), and an immortalized epithelial ductal pancreatic cell line (HPNE). Cytotoxicity was assessed by the CellTiter 96 kit based on the cellular metabolism of the tetrazolium compound XTT, which is reduced by living cells to yield a soluble formazan product in the presence of the electron coupling agent phenazine methosulfate, while the modulation of NSC 631570 uptake in the medium was studied using the fluorescence of NSC 631570 with the AlphaDigiDoc software by UV light excitation. Cytotoxic effects of NSC 631570 in PPTCCs were significantly higher than those observed in F-PDAC and HPNE cells (20% vs. 80% alive cells). Furthermore, the ULA-DC test revealed that PPTCCs cells consumed more drug than F-PDAC and HPNE cells. These data demonstrated the selective effect of Ukrain in PPTCCs, which may be related to a different transport system or higher metabolism of the drug in PDAC, and warrant further investigations in order to support the possible role of Ukrain in PDAC treatment (265).

Induction of the Apoptosis in Cancer Cells

In the study on the erythroleucemia cells K-562, it was revealed NSC 631570 to bring about the bimodal death of cancer cells. At lower concentrations of NSC 631570, cancer cells die in as a consequence of apoptosis. At higher concentrations, the formation of microtubules is inhibited and polyploidy occurs (56, 62).

The researchers from the Rochester University, USA revealed NSC 631570 causes the accumulation of prostate cancer cells as well as epidermoid carcinoma cells in the G2/M phase, however, not of normal cells (149, 150).

In the tests on human cervix carcinoma cells HeLa, squamous carcinoma cells WHCO5, normal kidney cell line Graham 293, and transformed kidney cell line Vero from African green monkey the researchers of the University of Pretoria, South Africa revealed NSC 631570 ‘is selectively toxic to malignant cells by causing a metaphase block which is characterised by abnormal chromosomal distribution, and results in the formation of micronuclei and in apoptosis’ (139).

The scientists of the Eberhard Karl University (Tübingen, Germany) investigated the effect of NSC 631570 on the cell survival, the cell cycle modification and the apoptosis induction alone and combined with radiation (IR). They discovered NSC 631570 combined with IR increased the toxicity against the cell lines CCL-221 and U-138MG. The normal human skin and lung fibroblasts were protected from the damaging effects of IR (184).

Ukrain’s (NSC 631570) deadly action against cancer cells - Induction of apoptosis


Estimating the cell proliferation according to the BrdU uptake in the cell lines AsPC1, BxPC3, MiaPaCa2, Jurkat, and THP-1 and the cell cycle phases by means of Giemsa staining, the authors established NSC 631570 at a dose of 10 µg/ml brought about a considerable accumulation of cancer cells in the G2/M phase after 24 h incubation. The apoptosis rate in the peripheral mononuclears was similar at the same incubation conditions. Moreover, the mitogene stimulated lymphocytes showed increased blastogen reaction (181).

The apoptosis induction by NSC 631570 has been also confirmed in the in vitro tests on the Chinese hamster ovarian cells. In this experiment the effects of NSC 631570 and etoposide were synergistic (167).


Inhibition of the Tubulin Polymerisation

In the experiments with cow brain tubulin, the scientists from the Pretoria Universioty (South Africa) discovered NSC 631570 to inhibit the tubulin polymerisation (146).

Later on, the researchers from the University of Ulm revealed in the tests with pancreas cancer lines AsPC1, BxPC3, Capan1, MiaPaCa2, and Panc1 NSC 631570 brings about a dose dependant cell cycle arrest in the G2/M phase. Moreover, NSC 631570 stabilizes the tubulin monomers in cancer cells and consequently inhibits the formation of microtubules (143).


Activation of Mitochondrial Caspases

Caspases, or cysteine-aspartic proteases are a family of enzymes, which play essential roles in apoptosis (programmed cell death) hence in cancer therapy.

In the tests on the Jurkat lymphoma model, NSC 631570 has been proven to be a strong apoptosis inductor. Profound research showed NSC 631570 brought about the depolarisation of mitochondrial membranes and consequently the activation of caspases (246). 

There are two types of apoptotic caspases: initiator (apical) caspases and effector (executioner) caspases. Initiator caspases CASP8 and CASP10 induce the death factor dependant or extrinsic apoptosis pathway, whereas effector caspase CASP9 mediates the intrinsic or mitochondrial apoptosis. In the tests at the Nacional de Cancerologia, Mexico City, Mexico NSC 631570 revealed that Ukrain induced apoptosis in a panel of cancer cell lines (cervical cancer HeLa, HeKB, HeKS32, HeBcl3, HeNFR and HeIKK, human colon cancer SW480, human renal carcinoma HEK293, human osteosarcoma MG-63) by activating the intrinsic cell death pathway. Interestingly, non-transformed fibroblasts hTERT were insensitive to the drug (255).


The Effect on Cyclins and Cyclin-Dependant Kinases

Cyclins are a family of proteins which control the progression of cells through the cell cycle by activating cyclin-dependent kinase (Cdk) enzymes. A cyclin forms a complex with Cdk. Complex formation results in activation of the Cdk active site. When concentrations in the cell are low, cyclins dissociate from Cdk, thus inhibiting enzymatic activity; this probably occurs due to a protein chain of the Cdk blocking the active site upon cyclin dissociation. There are several different cyclins which are active in different parts of the cell cycle and which cause the Cdk to phosphorylate different substrates. Increasing concentration of cyclin A triggers the cell into the G2 phase, whereas cyclin B is essential for the mitosis initiation.

The researchers from the Rochester University explored the effect of NSC 631570 on cyclins and Cdk in the epidermoid cancer cell lines ME180 and A431 as well as in the prostate carcinoma line LNCaP. They found changes in the concentrations of mitotic cyclin A and B1 as well as Cdk1 and Cdk2. Increased expression of Cdk inhibitor p27 has been also observed in both cancer cell lines. This can promote accumulation of the cells in the G2/M phase (147, 149).


The Effect on the Expression of hENT1 and dCK

The interactions between NSC 631570 and the molecular determinant expressions involved in the metabolism of gemcitabine, such as hENT1 and dCK were evaluated in in vitro studies on pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma cells (PDAC). Two ATCC cell lines (PL45 and MiaPaCa-2) and 2 Primary Cell Cultures obtained from PDAC patients underwent surgical resections (PPTCC78 and PPTCC109) were used. Cells were treated with Ukrain at IC50 concentration levels for 48h. All the amplifications were carried out with normalization of gene expression against the glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) housekeeping control gene, and the quantitation of gene expression was performed. NSC 631570 positively modulated the expression of hENT1 mRNA in all PDAC cell cultures treated with IC50 (p<0.001). The analysis revealed a mean increase of 2.8 fold (p=0.001) compared to untreated control cells. In PL45 and MiaPaCa-2 cells NSC 631570 positively affects mRNA expression of dCK gene as well (264).
Based on the previous clinical data the NSC 631570-gemcitabine combination appears a promising regimen and the results of this study provided the experimental basis for the further clinical testing of the NSC 631570-gemcitabine schedule in PDAC patients (Funel et al, ‘Molecular mechanisms underlying the synergistic interaction of the novel anticancer drug Ukrain with gemcitabine in preclinical models of pancreatic cancer’, 44th Annual Pancreas Club Meeting, New Orleans, USA 2010).


The Effect on the DNA and Protein Synthesis

The effect of NSC 631570 on the DNA and protein synthesis in cancer cells was studied in vitro on the cell lines HeLa, Yoshida, mice lymphoma, mice myeloma, human WiDr tumor, EB, EsB, YAC-1, und P815. NSC 631570 (1-100 µg/ml) has been proven to inhibit in dose-dependant way the DNA, RNA and protein synthesis in these cell lines. At the same test conditions, the inhibition in normal cells (human tonsil cells and guinea pig liver cells) was much lesser distinct (58, 63).

Among many possible mechanisms of action of NSC 631570, its effect on the endonucleases of the rat liver and on topoisomerases was studied (topoisomerases play an important part in the DNA metabolism). In these experiments NSC 631570 inhibited the metal-dependant endonucleases and the topoisomerase I as well (166).


The Effect on the Proteins Involved into the Remodelling of Extracellular Matrix

An Italian research team from the University of Milan used RT-PCR, Western blot analysis and SDS-zymography to evaluate the effect of NSC 631570 on the expression of genes and proteins involved into the remodelling of the extracellular matrix. This mechanism plays an important role in the tumor invasion of human glioblastoma cells. There was a significant dose-dependant decrease of the proliferation of glioblastoma cells and a trend to the down-regulation of secreted protein acidic cysteine rich (SPARC). This study provided theoretical reasons for the using NSC 631570 in glioblastoma. The authors concluded: NSC 631570 ‘may be a useful therapeutic tool for brain tumors’ (245). This has been proved in clinical use (see “Brain tumors”).

In their further work with glioblastoma cells the Italian researchers revealed NSC 631570 to increase the expression of the glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP). The connexion 43 expression was not modulated by NSC 631570. These results ‘support the possible potential of NSC 631570 for the therapy of brain tumors’ (250).

This Italian team investigated also whether NSC 631570 is able to modulate the in vitro expression of some proteins involved in tumor progression on three clear cell type renal carcinoma cell lines (ccRCC). CAKI‐1, CAKI‐2 and ACHN clear cell carcinoma (ccRCC) cells were treated with three doses of NSC 631570 (5, 10, and 20 μM) or left untreated, and cultured for 48 h in duplicate. SPARC protein levels were assayed in Western blot, MMP‐2 and MMP‐9 protein levels and activity were determined by SDS‐zymography in cell culture supernatants, and the distribution of the different cell cycle phases was calculated using FACS analysis. The results suggest that NSC 631570 modulates two major aspects involved in tumorigenesis of RCC cancer cells, that are extracellular matrix remodelling and cell proliferation. The tendency to MMP‐2 and MMP‐9 down‐regulation in UK‐treated cells suggests that UK may decrease RCC cell invasion. Moreover, SPARC protein down‐regulation in supernatants point to an inhibition elicited by UK also on extracellular matrix remodelling in the tumor microenvironment, possibly rendering the tumor microenvironment less permissive for tumor invasion. At the same time, SPARC intracellular protein levels up‐regulation in ccRCC cells suggest that NSC 631570 may be involved in the inhibition of cell proliferation by cell cycle inhibition, as shown by FACS analysis. (Pettinari et al, ‘Matrix metalloproteinases activity and SPARC expression are targeted by Ukrain administration in renal cell carcinoma’, presentation at the symposium ‘Targeting Cancer Invasion and Metastasis’, Miami, USA, 2010).

The effect of NSC 631570 on the modulation of some of the key markers of tumor progression in pancreatic carcinoma was investigated on three cell lines HPAF-II, PL45, and HPAC. The cell lines were treated with NSC 631570 (5, 10 and 20 µM) for 48 h, or left untreated. Secreted protein acidic and rich in cysteine (SPARC) mRNA levels were assessed by real-time PCR. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMP)-2 and -9 activities was analyzed by SDS zymography; SPARC protein levels in cell lysates and supernatants were determined by Western blot. Cell cycle was determined by flow cytometric analysis, and invasion by matrigel invasion assay. NSC 631570 down-regulated MMP-2 and MMP-9, suggesting that this agent may decrease pancreatic cancer cell invasion, as confirmed by the matrigel invasion assay. SPARC protein downregulation in supernatants points to an inhibition NSC 631570 of extracellular matrix remodelling in the tumor microenvironment. At the same time, SPARC mRNA and cellular protein level up-regulation suggests that NSC 631570 can affect cell proliferation by cell cycle inhibition, showing a cell cycle G2/M arrest in UK-treated cells (266).


The Effect on the Heat Shock Proteins

In the tests with human lymphoma cells the effect of NSC 631570 on the lines U-937 and U-937/hsp70 was determinated. These cell lines differ in the expression of the heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70). The line U-937/hsp70 turned out to be more resistant against the effect of NSC 631570. The authors attribute this to the protective effect of Hsp70 (200).


The Effect on the Electrokinetic Potential

A study examined how NSC 631570 affects the electrokinetic (EKP) potential of malignant and benign cells. The EKP of the Ehrlich’s carcinoma cells dropped after incubation with NSC 631570. The EKP decrease of normal cells was less pronounced (221).



UKRAIN (NSC 631570) is chelidonii radix special liquid extract. This is a complex produced from two approved substances – greater celandine alkaloids and thiotepa (2, 9, 145). Its quality proof is specified in German Pharmacopoea and Pharmacopoea Austriaca.

Ukrain is the first and only drug effective against cancer and more than 300 times less toxic than its sources substances (12, 39, 41, 59, 111, 141, 179). It has been proven in numerous in vitro, in vivo and clinical studies that this medicine in smaller dosage (5 mg) exerts immune modulating properties (2, 5, 8, 10, 14) whereas in larger dosage its effect is malignocytolytic (3, 6, 11). The therapeutic index of Ukrain is 1250 (therapeutic index is relation between toxic dose and the therapeutic one and reflects the safety of a drug). This is rather unusual for an anticancer drug and explains the good tolerability of NSC 631570. Therapeutic index of the common cytostatic drugs is in the range 1.4-1.8 and their overdosage can cause fatal consequences.

Phase I Clinical Study

The phase I clinical study was performed on 19 healthy volunteers on the out-patient basis. Beside general clinical condition, following parameters were evaluated: blood count, clinical chemistry, immune values, electrolytes, microelements, neopterin. NSC 631570 was administered intramuscularly or intravenously daily, on the alternate days or every third day at a daily dose of from 5 up to 50 mg for 7-40 days. In a special case, the medicine was administered during three years at a total dose of 3500 mg divided into several therapy courses. No significant changes in clinical status were revealed at the examination. In the case of intramuscular administration, volunteers reported local pain, sometimes sleepiness, increased thirst and polyuria. In some cases, a light non-significant increase of the body temperature and minor blood pressure decrease were observed. The authors concluded NSC 631570 at single doses of 5, 10, 20 and 50 mg were well tolerated, also at prolonged administration. (37)

The Dose Finding Study (Phase II)

To find out the correct dosage for NSC 631570 a phase II clinical study was performed on 70 end stage cancer patients. The following parameters were estimated: physiologic values (heart beat rate, blood pressure, body temperature), blood count, clinical chemistry, electrolytes, immune values. The response on the therapy was evaluated by means of x-ray, ultrasonography and computed tomography (CT). NSC 631570 was administered intramuscularly or intravenously daily, on the alternate days, every third, every forth, or every fifth day. Single doses were 2.5, 5, 10, 15, 20, or 25 mg in ascending order (from 2.5 up to 25 mg), descending from 25 mg to 2.5 mg, or 5, 10, 15, 20 or 25 mg constantly. The duration of a therapy courses was 10-90 days. Breaks between courses varied from seven days up to three months. In all cases the therapy with NSC 631579 was well tolerated. In some patients the analgesics dosage could be reduced. The quality of life improved in the most cases. Subjective as well as objective symptoms and signs were observed like headache, dizziness, thirst, sweating, polyuria, fever (with the body temperature increase of 1-2 °C), and pain at the tumor and/or metastases area. Increased temperature at the tumor area was observed also. Temporary tumor swelling, increased heart beat rate and minor blood pressure decrease were observed as well. The intensity of such concomitants correlated with the response to the therapy. After full remission these concomitants were not anymore observed (21, 45).
In healthy volunteers, such concomitant events are observed not so extensively or not observed at all. It can be suggested they are triggered by the tumor degradation products. The intensity of these concomitants can be decreased with the detoxication measures.

According to the recent findings, to achieve the best results high doses of NSC 631570 should be used in turn with small ones. Higher doses destroy tumors and smaller doses helps to eliminate the tumor degradation products. This is why alternate doses of NSC 631570 are used, e.g. 5-20 mg, or 5-30 mg, 5-40 mg daily or on alternate days. NSC 631570 can be diluted with 5% dextrose. In the case of administering 20 g NSC 631570, higher doses of vitamin C (2-4 g) should precede the injection. There are reports on tumor responses after 10 day in-patient therapy courses with daily dose of 20 mg NSC 631570 intravenously. Due to its antiangiogenic effect NSC 631570 can bring about the tumor encapsulation improving its respectability.

The clinical efficacy of NSC 631570 has been proven by many researchers and is subject of numerous publications. More than 40 original articles keep records on the treatment of more than 750 patients, 332 of these were treated with NSC 631570 in controlled clinical trials. All researchers note the efficacy and safety of NSC 631570.

Phase III Clinical Trials

Ukrain can cause the full regression of the main tumour and also of metastases. In the treatment of advanced tumours Ukrain can improve the quality of life and prolong survival. Many clinical studies have proved this, such as those of the work groups led by Prof. Beger in Germany and of Prof. Zemskov in Ukraine with pancreatic cancer (182, 186, 187, 205, 247; 154, 185), as well as groups led by Prof. Susak and Prof. Bondar in Ukraine with colon cancer (67, 106, 108, 112). Neoadjuvant (before surgery) use of Ukrain can induce encapsulation of tumours as revealed the studies by the researchers of Grodno Medical University (Grodno, Belarus) in breast cancer (68-73, 114, 157-159).

In an open study total 203 advanced cancer patients were treated with NSC 631570 and partially with local hyperthermia (37.4%) after all conventional treatment modalities had failed and the disease progressed or relapsed. Full remission was achieved in 41 cases (20.2%), partial remission – in 122 cases (60.1%). Seminoma and prostate cancer responded especially well with remission rate of more than 75% (144, 161).

Pancreatic carcinoma

In a controlled randomised study by Prof. Beger et al. in the Ulm University Hospital, Germany, the therapy with NSC 631570 and gemcitabine doubled the survival rate in the patients with inoperable advanced pancreatic cancer (182). The longest survival was 19 months in the group treated with gemcitabine alone, 26 months in the combined group, and in the NSC 631570 alone group two patients were alive after 28 months.  NSC 631570 was well tolerated. The study authors consider further evaluation of NSC 631570 as justified whereas the quality of life of the patients improved (186).

Ukrain in pancreas cancer: palliative therapy

Ukrain beim Bauchspeicheldrüsenkrebs 

Gansauge, Beger et al: Langenbeck¢s Archives of Surgery, 2002

Patients were further observed after the conclusion of the study and it was noted that UKRAIN was well tolerated and could be administered without problem to all patients. UKRAIN brought about a significant increase in survival time in comparison to therapy with gemcitabine alone. Combination therapy with gemcitabine and UKRAIN showed no advantage over monotherapy with UKRAIN. The longest survival in the gemcitabine group was 19 months, 21 months in the gemcitabine+Ukrain group, and in the Ukrain group a patient was still alive after 28 months. The authors concluded: ‘As a result of this study we highly recommend the treatment of patients suffering from advanced pancreatic cancer with Ukrain’ (187).

2007 the results of another clinical study by the same research team were published. This time the efficacy of the adjuvant therapy with NSC 631570 has been demonstrated in the patients with advanced pancreatic cancer after surgery. The patients were treated with a combination of NSC 631570 and gemcitabine.

The median survival was 33.8 months and the 5-year survival rate was 23.3% which is clearly better than results reported in the earlier studies without NSC 631570, with the median survival of 20.1 months and the 5-year survival rate was 21% ( abstract/350/12/1200 ). Moreover, NSC 631570 at therapeutic dose range has only minimal adverse effects, improves the quality of life of patients and can be administered also on out-patient basis. All these features distinguishes this drug favourable compared to the standard cytostatic agents.

Adjuvant therapy in pancreas cancer: comparison of three studies









Number of patients







NSC 631570 / Gemcitabine

Relapse free survival

k. A.

16,8 Mo.

26 Mo.

Median survival

19,7 Mo.

20,4 Mo.

37,6 Mo.


Again, this publication supports the efficacy (and safety) of the use of Ukrain as it demonstrates a considerable prolongation of survival compared to what is known from other clinical studies (247).

Other researcher confirmed the efficacy of NSC 631570 in pancreatic carcinoma (205, 208, 209), while the partial remission rate was as high as 85.7% in one study (207). The longest survival in palliative therapy was more than six years (185, 186).

Histological changes caused by the treatment with NSC 631570 in the pancreatic tumor and in the surrounding tissue were profoundly studied. NSC 631570 has been revealed to bring about the fibrotic and sclerotic transformation of the tumour. Perivascular sclerosis has also occurred (206).

Colorectal cancer

In a controlled randomized clinical study by the National Medical University (Kyiv, Ukraine) colon cancer patients were treated with NSC 631570 or with 5-fuorouracil and x-ray therapy. The survival rate after 21 months was 78.6% in the NSC 631570 group and 33.3% in the group treated with 5-FU and radiotherapy (67).

Within a randomized study in the Doneck Regional Cancer Center (Ukraine) rectal cancer patients received either high-dose radiotherapy and 5-FU before surgery, or the therapy with NSC 631570: one course before surgery (10 mg every second day up to 60 mg) and another course afterwards (up to 40 mg). During following 14 months, relapses occurred in six patients (25%) from the combined group and in 2 patients (8.3%) in the NSC 631570 group. Two year relapse rate was 33.3% (8 patients) in the combined group and 16.7% (4 patients) in the NSC 631570 group (112). Now, 11 years after this publication 18 from 24 patients (75%) in the NSC 631570 group are still alive.

Prostate cancer

The efficacy of NSC 631570 in prostate cancer has been confirmed in a controlled clinical study. In the study patients, all standard treatment modalities had been exhausted. The cancer relapsed and/or progressed and no therapy protocol was available. The patients were treated with NSC 631570 and partially with local hyperthermia. Following results were achieved: full remission in 54 patients (73%), partial remission in 16 patients (22%). Only in 4 patients (5%) the therapy did not affect the course of the disease (201).

Total number of patients

Full remission

Partial remission

Disease progression









The good efficacy of NSC 631570 in prostate cancer has been confirmed in another study (155).

Breast cancer

In a controlled clinical study conducted at the University Grodno (Grodno, Belarus), after the therapy with NSC 631570 the hardening of the tumor, a slight increase in the tumor size (5-10%) and proliferation of connective tissues were observed. The T4/T8 lymphocytes ratio increased by 30%. The tumours appeared harder and slightly enlarged after NSC 631570 therapy, and were easier to detect by ultrasound or radiological examination. Metastatic lymph nodes were also hardened and sclerotic (fibrous). Tumours and metastatic lymph nodes were clearly demarcated from healthy tissue and therefore easier to remove. Complications such as prolonged lymphorrhoea (leakage of lymph onto the skin surface), skin necrosis (death of skin tissue), suppuration of the wound, and pneumonia, all occurred in patients from the two NSC 631570 groups at only half the rate that they appeared in patients from the control group. Based on the results of this study the scientists from Grodno recommended the use of NSC 631570, at the higher dosage, in all breast cancer operations (54, 68-70, 114). Other parameters were also evaluated, e.g. hormones (T3, T4, cortisol, progesterone, estradiol, prolactin; 71), immune values (lymphocytes, immune globulins, complement, phagocytic activity; 72), morphologic and cytochemical changes (73, 110), amino acids and their derivates in plasma (74, 109) and in the tumor tissue (75).

In a series of articles the researchers have studied the effect of NSC 631570 on various parameters in breast cancer patients (157-160). Best results were achieved with higher dosage of NSC 631570. Almost every patient noted the improvement of the general well-being, sleep and appetite. During the surgery, the tumors as well as involved lymph nodes were presented sclerotic and well demarcated from the surrounding tissue. This alleviated the surgical removal of the tumor considerably (158). In the tumor tissue, increased concentration of the amino acid proline was revealed indicating augmented production of connective tissue that demarcates the tumor from surrounding tissue (159). NSC 631570 improved also the amino acid balance of patients (160).

Bladder cancer

In a study NSC 631570 caused full remission in three patients for six months (113, 137).

Biochemical evaluation revealed NSC 631570 had favourably affected the amino acid metabolism (156).

Malignant melanoma

The first publication on the using NSC 631570 in malignant melanoma describes the full remission in a patient with metastases to the lung (91).

A long lasting remission (more than 10 years without recurrence) has been observed in a patient with malignant nodular melanoma after the treatment with NSC 631570. At the beginning of the NSC 631570 therapy liver metastases were present and melanin was excreted with urine (92).

The effects of NSC 631570 alone and in combination with the pathogen associated molecules (PAM) on the cell cycle and apoptotic induction were compared in two melanoma cell lines MM-4 and MM-4M2 with different metastatic properties (cell division rate, hematogenous metastazing, sensitivity to the TNF-induced apoptosis).
Apoptosis induction and cell viability were analyzed using trypan blue exclusion test, morphological criteria, DNA gel electrophoresis, and flow cytometry. Cell cycle distribution of tumor cells was estimated by flow cytometry. The therapy with NSC 631570 induced apoptosis in both melanoma cell lines in a dose-dependant matter. The cell line with higher metastatic potential was more sensitive to NSC 631570. In the cell line with low metastatic potential, combined use of NSC 631570 and PAM induced apoptosis more effectively (261).

Brain tumors

NSC 631570 has been successfully used in the treatment of brain tumors (101, 102).

In a review on the clinical studies with NSC 631570 performed so far the researchers from the Universities of Exeter & Plymouth suggested this agent to have potential as an anticancer drug (238).

Malignant gynaecologic tumors

Earlier, there was a report on the successful using NSC 631570 in the treatment of ovarian cancer (97). Also in the tests of National Cancer Institute (Bethesda, Maryland, USA) NSC 631570 was toxic against all ovarian cancer cell lines tested (190). Other authors reported on good results in the therapy of cervical cancer (27, 96).

Ukrain (NSC 631570): autofluorescence under UV-light

Ukrain Autofluoreszenz im UV-Licht

In ultraviolet light Ukrain fluoresces in the yellowish green range of spectrum. Excitation frequencies are within a range of 220 to 490 nm. The spectral width of the fluorescence extends from 410 to 665 nm (4).

Autofluoreszenz im UV-Licht

Thin-layer chromatography plate with drops of Ukrain under UV light. On the left, Ukrain in a concentration of 10 mg/ml in distilled water. Then serial dilutions by a factor of 10 each time (1 mg/ml; 0.1 mg/ml,…).

Autofluoreszenz im UV-Licht Patientin N.E.

Patient N.E., aged 82. 1½ year history of multiple and exulcerating basaliomas at the cheek-nose area.

Autofluoreszenz im UV-Licht Patientin N.E.

The same patient under UV-light at 254 nm three minutes after the first intramuscular injection of 5 ml Ukrain. Strong fluorescence of the tumours and surrounding tissue is visible. Ukrain administered after one week produced only slight fluorescence. A considerable regression of the tumours was also observed.

The selective accumulation of NSC 631570 in the tumor tissue proven due to autofluorescence

The selective effect of NSC 631570 on cancer cells has been confirmed due to its autofluorescence under UV light (4). First time this feature of NSC 631570 was presented 1983 at 13th International Congress of Chemotherapy in Vienna. It has been confirmed in this work NSC 631570 to selectively accumulate in cancer cells. The accumulation of NSC 631570 in cancer cells correlates with the efficacy of the drug. With the elimination of the preparation from the body the intensity of the fluorescence decreases also (1).

At this congress, the first reports on the successful using NSC 631570 in the treatment of the end-stage cancer patients were presented, where all standard therapy modalities had failed. Though poor prognosis, NSC 631570 brought about full remission in a part of the patients and some of those are still alive.

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