NSC 631570 has so far been tested on 160 cancer cell lines and demonstrated a toxic effect against all of them.
Among other institutes NSC 631570 has been tested on 60 cell lines at the National Cancer Institute (Bethesda, Maryland, USA) including eight important malignant human tumours: brain tumour, ovarian cancer, small-cell and non-small-cell bronchial carcinoma, colorectal carcinoma, kidney cancer, leukaemia and malignant melanoma. NSC 631570 was toxicologically effective against all of these cell lines.
At the same time, studies at various universities have shown that NSC 631570 does not damage normal cells at comparable doses. NSC 631570 can bring about a full regression of the main tumour and also metastases. In the treatment of advanced tumours NSC 631570 can improve overall quality of life and prolong survival time. The first patients to have been treated with NSC 631570 are still alive after more than 20 years. Randomised clinical studies have confirmed its effectiveness against malignant tumours as well as its beneficial immuno-modulating properties.
NSC 631570 is a medicament for cancer therapy.

As is known from the Internet around 10.8 million people are diagnosed with cancer every year and approximately 6.7 million of them die. Thus, despite all the medicines available, only 38% can be saved.
Much time is required before a medicament comes on the market, which is why the World Health Organisation has also permitted doctors to prescribe non-approved preparations to save the lives of patients with this disease. On the basis of this provision Austria has § 8.(1)2 Arzneimittelgesetz (Medicines Act), which we quote as follows:
“Medical specialities do not require approval if a doctor, dentist or veterinary surgeon licensed to practice in Austria attests that the medical speciality is urgently needed to combat a life-threatening situation or serious damage to health and that this result could not be expected to be achieved with an approved and available medical speciality according to the state-of-the-art.”
There is an almost identical law in every country (e.g. in Germany § 73.3 AMG).
NSC 631570 is not approved in Austria but in many other countries. Research findings on NSC 631570 have appeared in 262 specialist publications and been presented at 294 international medical congresses. Its efficacy, safety and quality have been confirmed by 260 scientists from 24 countries at 60 universities and research institutes.
Thereby, every doctor can also prescribe NSC 631570 under the conditions described above.
Obstructive Tactics and their Consequences
Corruption is a destructive factor in society and unofficially bypasses the law. Our silence reinforces corruption and we are therefore all responsible for the consequences.
The sad story of Stefan Dan is known to many people from the book Buch „Krebsmittel NSC 631570 - Kriminalgeschichte einer Verhinderung“ von Dr. Eleonore Thun-Hohenstein (Molden Verlag, Vienna 2004), many press reports, (Link 1, Link 2, Link 3) from television ("Die Redaktion spezial", RTL2; "Mona Lisa", ZDF, 10 October 2004, 18:00, http://www.presseportal.de/meldung/604528) as well as from the specialist literature. (Link)
In 1993 the Arzneimittelbeirat (Pharmaceutical Advisory Board) at the Austrian Ministry of Health advised the use of NSC 631570 in accordance with § 42. (Link) In April 1995 Stefan's parents came to us with their sick child and a doctor's prescription. All that could be seen of the child was tumours, bones and praying eyes. Diagnosis – generalised lymphangiomatosis. From the medical records of the Universitätsklinik für Kinderheilkunde, Vienna: "After consultation with our oncologist tumour progression cannot be counteracted either by chemotherapy or radiotherapy. Surgery is also no longer possible so that further therapy can only be palliative." (Link). At the time we did not have the faintest hope of saving the child but did not want to deny his parents' a last chance. Unfortunately the photos taken at the time have mysteriously disappeared.
During treatment an unexpected improvement occurred. (See photo in children's seat, 21 July 1995.)
After further NSC 631570 therapy the tumours almost disappeared. The child could talk, play, walk and even ride a bicycle.
Therapy had not been concluded but despite such success the parents were forced to interrupt treatment with the threat of a prison sentence. (Link) As a result tumours on his back continued to grow. (Link, see photo)
A large tumour on his back was removed by surgery but a new one grew in his stomach.
From the surgical report on 24 March 2000: "Indication: generalised lymphangiomatose (intraabdominal/thoracolumbal), severe lipomatosis dorsi, severe thorax deformity; … extreme cachexia … The whole back area is arched outwards spherically because of the enormous tumour tissue... The tumour tissue also continues through the wall of the thorax. Radical surgery can certainly not be discussed."
The child's condition continued to deteriorate.
5 April 2000 – X-ray examination: "In today's x-ray ... increasingly restricted ventilation of the right lung can be observed."
6 April 2000 – Tapping of ascites with ultrasonic monitoring. "1,600 ml of a yellowish-greenish exudate could be tapped."
20 April 2000 – Tracheostomy (cut in the windpipe with the application of a canula for possible connection to a respirator).
24 May 2000 – Ultrasonic examination: "The liver is considerably enlarged... Pronounced splenomegaly (spleen enlargement)."
3 June 2000 – Patient connected to a respirator.
19 June 2000 – Ultrasonic examination: further liver enlargement up to 14 cm. Several lymph angiomas.
23 August 2000 – "Excision of necrotic tissue" (Removal of dead tissue above the right hip).
The condition of the child on being discharged from hospital was as follows: "Exsiccosis (drying out). St. febrilis (fever). Decubital ulcera (pressure sores) above the right hip and on the right shoulder blade.. Anemia (1 Ery-concentrate – blood bottle - given). Cachexia (complete loss of strength). hyponatremia (decreased natrium level in blood). Intercostal (between the ribs) and thoracal lymph angioma with generalised lymph angiomatosis. Partial paralysis from Th5 (paralysed by a transverse lesion of the cored). Ascites (free fluid in the stomach). Home respiration therapy (respirator). Tracheostoma (canula in the windpipe). Status on discharge: weight 19.3 kg, waist 61 cm."
With the child in this already almost hopeless condition NSC 631570 therapy was begun again at the end of September 2000. The condition of the child gradually improved. (Link)
"During therapy the pain has been reduced and all pain killers have been terminated. Breathing has improved and no respirator is now necessary. Severe pressure sores have healed (see photo) and considerable skin defects have been completely covered without plastic-surgical intervention. Tumours in the stomach and other parts of the body have regressed during the course of NSC 631570 therapy.
Stefan is now 17 years old. He is intelligent, can read, write and paint and plays the piano but is unfortunately lamed for life through the incomprehensible prohibition of NSC 631570 therapy.
Stefan is 18 years old.