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Retrospective Analysis of Complex Treatment of Patients with the Rectum Cancer

Retrospective Analysis of Complex Treatment of Patients with the Rectum Cancer
A. V.Borota, W.Nowicky, A.A.Borota Donetsk Regional Anti-Cancer Center, Ukraine Ukrainian Anti-Cancer Institute, Vienna, Austria
Clinical observation of all patient groups was conducted for a period of 12 years. 6 months after the first course of Ukrain monotherapy, all patients in group I were subjected to repeated Ukrain treatment with 10 mg i.v. every other day, up to a cumulative dose of 100 mg. In the course of observation of group II patients received complex chemotherapy and X-ray therapy. 12-years survival in patients of the I group was as much as 75% (6 patients died), in patients of the 11 group - 45,8% (13 patients died).

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